


Logistics and transport industry

Application of logistics transportation industryLabels for cargo transportation are mainly used to ensure the labeling quality and traceability of products. Sharpness during use must be ensured for such labels so that they can be clearly displayed to the naked eye or upon scanning. They are mainly us…

Application of logistics transportation industry

Labels for cargo transportation are mainly used to ensure the labeling quality and traceability of products. Sharpness during use must be ensured for such labels so that they can be clearly displayed to the naked eye or upon scanning. They are mainly used for outer packaging identification during product transportation.

Requirements of Application Scenarios

Friction may occur in the cargo transportation and handling process, and thus damage or destroy what's written on the labels for cargo transportation, leading to untraceability.

Recommended Ribbons by MINGYOU

MINGYOU's wax ribbons are characterized by low printing temperature, high blackness and strong adhesion. They can match all kinds of paper labels well, boasting good printing effect even on rough paper without surface treatment. They are suitable for short-distance transportation where there is no friction. Recommended products include W715,W717,W720,W728,W736 and so on.

MINGYOU's wax/resin ribbons are characterized by exceptional scratch resistance and high blackness, etc. They can match all kinds of paper labels well. Their high scratch resistance enables labels printed with them to be used in demanding scenarios such as international transportation and cargo handling with frequent friction. Recommended products include M820,M830,M860,M8700,M890 and so on.

MINGYOU's  resin ribbons are characterized by exceptional scratch resistance, high blackness and strong corrosion resistance. They can be used well together with various film materials and can meet the requirements of various harsh transportation environments such as high temperature, high humidity, low temperature, and intense ultraviolet rays, especially long-term marine transportation. You can choose such resin ribbons as R7,R5,HL51,R933,R920,R300 and so on.
